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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Having my Dad here for my birthday meant a lot to me. With years of experience building hot rods, his opinion means the world to me, both as a master mechanic and as a father. Thanks Dad.

I was excited about being able to work on my engine with my Dad and getting his guidance.

Looking over my engine & giving me good advice.

Dad and Curtis are a great help. I'm always grateful for any suggestions.
Now, on another note: You both need to come back and help me clean up this mess from my water heater flooding. Sure wish you lived closer.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thunder Ferd

I bought this 1976 Ford F150 from a friend a few months ago and have been busy fixing it up. I was going to call it Ferd (instead of Ford) but then I put headers on it and Joshua said it sounded like thunder so I changed the name to "Thunder Ferd". What do you think?

Friday, April 18, 2008

This is the beginning of the broken knuckle garage. I started on the benches in January 08 & worked on them through out the winter. It is still a bit messy as I start to find places to store everything I have accumulated over the years. It is starting to get nicer outside now so I will no longer have that excuse to use as not to get everything in it place & keep it there. Someday I am going to have a nice shop on our property to be able to work on my Hot Rods or what ever I have at the time. Currently I am working on a 1976 Ford F-150 4X4. I will post pictures soon. It is Blue & it runs good just needs some TLC & some minor body work, but at least it runs!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another day another Dollar

Well another day another dollar. Been busy around the ol homestead getting the spring cleaning bug again, got rid of a bunch of junk that has been piling up for quite some time now & made a few dollars to boot. Sold if all for scrap metal, still have a few more things to get rid of & hopefully I won't collect anymore. Started re-arranging our shed yesterday.....gonna make some serious changes in it as far as where stuff goes in it trying to make the most out of the room we have in it. Got 2 riding lawn mowers, a 4 wheeler, a little trailer, & a roto-tiller that go in it. It is going to be mowing season soon so I also spent the weekend trying to de-winterize the lawn mowers, so far have gotten one almost done, just need to get the tires aired up & the blades sharpened.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Well this is my first attempt at doing this blogging thing. Thankfully my wife is the knowledgeable one when it comes to this stuff. I will get braver as time goes on & will start adding different things & such to it. So let me know what you think.